About Us
B. H. Builders, Inc. is a Florida Corporation, incorporated on March 22, 1995. The company's main office is located in Gainesville, Florida. Its primary market area is the greater Gainesville area including the University of Florida, with secondary markets throughout Alachua and surrounding counties.
B. H. Builders, Inc. is an open shop general contractor certified and licensed within the State of Florida. The company provides construction management services, general contracting, and renovations for educational facilities, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings. R. Hyden self performs concrete and general trades work, and we subcontract all other disciplines of work.
The professional team of B. H. Builders, Inc. has a proven record of experience and professional integrity. Drawing upon each team members' differing projects and past experience we are able to provide our clients with the attention and insight to tackle any area of construction. This diversity among team members spawns innovative ideas which may otherwise be easily overlooked.
B. H. Builders's open lines of communication among our team members and clients alike has proven to provide the quality work and effective cost control required to deliver a successful project and help build long lasting relationships. Through these lines of communication and a built-in system of checks and balances each team member, while serving specific roles, becomes an interchangeable piece of the overall design. This system of overlapping responsibility fosters the "Team Approach" and places the project ahead of the individual. No one person ever makes or breaks a project.
Key personnel who will be personally involved in the design and management of the minor projects along with their responsibilities, are as follows:
Project Executive: Rodney Hyden (Gainesville, FL) is directly responsible for our contracted service. As Project Executive, he will support the Project Team by providing resources from B. H. Builders as needed. Rodney will review all contracts, estimates, schedules status reports and other documents we submit.

Mr. Rodney T. Hyden